The Growing Popularity and Many Advantages of Alternative Building

Oct 12, 2021

If you’ve played with Legos in your childhood to construct your ideal ‘home,’ you may have at one time dreamt of a future technology where you could build a real house with the same level of ease.

Guess What?

Earth Friendly Building Materials, LLC is making that dream a reality with its amazing Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) that incorporates recycled expanded Polystyrene, otherwise known as Styrofoam.

The use of ICFs in construction is not a new concept; it’s been around since the 1970s. However, the evolution of ICFs over those years has been significant and the block Earth Friendly Building Materials, LLC manufactures (EF Block®) leads them all with a formidable design incorporating thermal excellence, strength, diverse architectural capability, and ease of construction into a single block system. Best of all, EF Block® is a cost-effective, alternative way to build homes, commercial buildings, and architectural design enhancements for landscaping and retaining walls.

EF Block® Benefits

EF Block® encases recycled Polystyrene foam beads in concrete to form a solid, sturdy block that is lightweight and used as an insulated concrete form. The benefits gained from EF Block® made by Earth Friendly Building Materials, LLC include:

  • Truly eco-friendly as made from 87% recycled Styrofoam
  • Fire-resistant
  • Energy efficient
  • Termite and bug resistant
  • 700% stronger than wood frame construction
  • Sound resistant

A single EF Block® is 10” thick with several hollow inner core that allows concrete to flow through the blocks both vertically and horizontally. Each block is one foot in height and 5-feet long which facilitates swift installation, saving a considerable amount of time and effort over standard construction. EF Block® is dry stacked and spot glued with Rebar easily laid both vertically and horizontally with the cores for strength. The EF Block® cores are then grouted solid with concrete. The end product is a concrete wall that is thermally dynamic, fire resistant, and durable to last for generations to come.

Earth Friendly Building Materials, LLC has facilitated the use of EF Block® in all forms of construction across Arizona. Although the overall cost of construction will vary due to the design of a project, the simple, less intensive design of EF Block® makes it easy for even owner-builders to even install the block themselves. The price of concrete has remained stable over time and, in the end product, substantial cost benefits are gained with a decrease in energy costs.

EF Block® is 7 times stronger than wood frame construction and has a positive impact not only on your lifestyle, but on your environment as well. Remember to always recycle, reuse and repurpose. Earth Friendly Building Materials, LLC is here to help you in this quest!